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14 Cottage St
Blackburn, VIC, 3130

0413 537 490

The Melbourne Guild of Fine Woodworking was founded by Alastair Boell in 2007. After graduating from the world renowned North Bennet Street School, Boston (USA) Alastair felt that there was a great need in Australia for an educational facility that focuses on traditional skills. 

The Guild is committed to preserving and advancing craft traditions in furniture making. We are also committed to promoting a greater awareness and appreciation of
craftsmanship. In our classes we emphasize the skillful use of hand tools and power equipment and an informed use of appropriate materials. We are passionate about what we do and want to share information, ideas and skills with all our students young and old, from beginner to advanced.

Melbourne Woodworking Classes


2025 Beginners Courses

Our Weekly Project Base Courses are geared towards Beginners or anyone interested in a more structure class where everyone works on the same project once a week and where the start and finish dates are set.

2025 Intensive Courses

Our Intensive Project Based Courses are for those who would like to immerse themselves in a project and have it completed in the shortest possible time. These courses range from a 1 day course to an 8 day course.

2025 Open Workshop

This is a great opportunity for students of all levels to undertake their own projects under the expert tuition of our qualified instructors. Our Open Courses offer ongoing morning, afternoon & evening woodworking classes for students of any level to undertake a project of their own desire. Classes are limited to 8 students and there are between 9 - 11 classes per term, with 4 Terms per year.