We carry a great range of products which will help you finish your project off in style. Short on tools? We can help you there as well. We have a range of high quality tools from local makers and select importers from around the globe.
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14 Cottage St
Blackburn, VIC, 3130
0413 537 490
The Melbourne Guild of Fine Woodworking was founded by Alastair Boell in 2007. After graduating from the world renowned North Bennet Street School, Boston (USA) Alastair felt that there was a great need in Australia for an educational facility that focuses on traditional skills.
The Guild is committed to preserving and advancing craft traditions in furniture making. We are also committed to promoting a greater awareness and appreciation of
craftsmanship. In our classes we emphasize the skillful use of hand tools and power equipment and an informed use of appropriate materials. We are passionate about what we do and want to share information, ideas and skills with all our students young and old, from beginner to advanced.
We carry a great range of products which will help you finish your project off in style. Short on tools? We can help you there as well. We have a range of high quality tools from local makers and select importers from around the globe.