

Contact Us

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14 Cottage St
Blackburn, VIC, 3130

0413 537 490

The Melbourne Guild of Fine Woodworking was founded by Alastair Boell in 2007. After graduating from the world renowned North Bennet Street School, Boston (USA) Alastair felt that there was a great need in Australia for an educational facility that focuses on traditional skills. 

The Guild is committed to preserving and advancing craft traditions in furniture making. We are also committed to promoting a greater awareness and appreciation of
craftsmanship. In our classes we emphasize the skillful use of hand tools and power equipment and an informed use of appropriate materials. We are passionate about what we do and want to share information, ideas and skills with all our students young and old, from beginner to advanced.


1. Privacy and Personal Information

  1. Our Privacy Policy explains how your personal information is collected and managed in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988

  2. The privacy of your personal information is important to Melbourne Guild of Fine Woodworking.

  3. Melbourne Guild of Fine Woodworking and its third parties may collect personal information directly from you when you register as a member of the website, when you place an Order, or when you contact us at .Personal information may include your name, residential and/or postal address, telephone number and email address.

  4. Your personal information is not collected if you only browse this website.

  5. Online payments are handled by Stripe. Melbourne Guild of Fine Woodworking does not store your credit card or banking details. Please check the Stripe website for details of their privacy policies and security measures.

  6. Melbourne Guild of Fine Woodworking may use your personal information for the purposes for which you give it to any of them and for their own internal purposes. You agree that Melbourne Guild of Fine Woodworking may use your email address to send you messages concerning any Orders you place and information about the products sold via the website that Melbourne Guild of Fine Woodworking thinks may be of interest to you. If you would prefer not to receive promotional or other material from Melbourne Guild of Fine Woodworking please let us know and Melbourne Guild of Fine Woodworking will respect your request. You also agree that Melbourne Guild of Fine Woodworking may contact you by telephone to arrange delivery or collection of your Order.

  7. You may request Melbourne Guild of Fine Woodworking to remove your personal information from its database by emailing us at or clicking ‘unsubscribe’ on any of our e-communications.

  8. For further details about Melbourne Guild of Fine Woodworking’s privacy practices please contact us at