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14 Cottage St
Blackburn, VIC, 3130

0413 537 490

The Melbourne Guild of Fine Woodworking was founded by Alastair Boell in 2007. After graduating from the world renowned North Bennet Street School, Boston (USA) Alastair felt that there was a great need in Australia for an educational facility that focuses on traditional skills. 

The Guild is committed to preserving and advancing craft traditions in furniture making. We are also committed to promoting a greater awareness and appreciation of
craftsmanship. In our classes we emphasize the skillful use of hand tools and power equipment and an informed use of appropriate materials. We are passionate about what we do and want to share information, ideas and skills with all our students young and old, from beginner to advanced.

The Art of Japanese Kumiko


The Art of Japanese Kumiko

Jacqueline Boell

KUMIKO - Asa no ha.jpeg

$820.00 AUD (2025 course)

Presented by Alastair Boell

The MGFW Kumiko Program was developed and taught by Des King until the end of 2020. Outside of Japan, Des King is one of the world's leading experts on the Japanese fine craft of 'Kumiko', an exquisite form of decoration usually used on doors and screens. Des King has written 4 books on Kumiko: 'Shoji and Kumiko Design: Book 1 The Basics', 'Shoji and Kumiko Design: Book 2 Beyond the Basics' and 'Shoji and Kumiko Design, Book 3 – Hexagonal Patterns' and Book 4 - ‘Diamond Patterns.’

Des King has now retired and has passed on the ‘Kumiko baton’ to Alastair Boell, Director and Founder of the Melbourne Guild of Fine Woodworking.

For this workshop, students will make one 'kumiko' piece. This piece will consist of two square 'as-no-ha' patterns enclosed by twin 'kumiko' and a 'tsukeko' frame.

During the workshop, students will learn the correct names for the different parts of 'shoji' and kumiko work, details and principles of kumiko marking, how to cut consistent gap-free kumiko joints with a hand saw, and how to mark, cut and attach the tsukeko to the project piece.

Students will also learn how to trim the smaller kumiko pattern pieces to size at the correct angles and how to gauge the correct tension for the pattern pieces.

The knowledge and skills students gain from making this piece will enable them to incorporate and adapt kumiko art into their own furniture or art designs, and will form a solid foundation for more difficult and complex patterns at a later stage.

For those wanting some inspiration on the use of kumiko in your own work, I highly recommend you visit Matt Kenney's website:

For Instagram users: mekwoodworks

You will be directed to the MindBody booking page.



I have admired this Japanese art form since I was a child when I saw some cabinets in an exhibition at the museum- at least I think they were cabinets. While I did not produce the lovely neatest work of the group, I was well pleased with my efforts and I am very proud of my 2 completed samples. I am so pleased I participated in the course and I am now very keen to have a go at more and improve my skills.
Thank you MGFW.
Lee Anthony 2020

Thank you so much for running the course! It was absolutely awesome! So glad everyone was able to achieve beautiful results. The workshop was well organized and structured, and Alastair was very helpful and kind. Thank you for you guidance and hospitality. Hope to see you again!
Natalie July 2021

Ever since seeing a photo of some of Des King’s work I have been fascinated about Kumiko, so naturally I signed up for the Kumiko course when it became available. The course was run faultlessly by Alastair and he ensured that everyone finished at the same time and fixed any problems as they arose. I have done many courses at The Guild and this one was definitely one of my favourites. Now I feel completely comfortable remaking the Asa-no-ha pattern from home without assistance. Thanks again Alastair!
Tom - July 2021


Sat 31st May to Sun 1st June 2025
From 9am to 5pm Daily
(2 Days)

Sat 6th to Sun 7th December 2025
From 9am to 5pm Daily
(2 Days)

Melbourne Guild of Fine Woodworking.
14 Cottage St, Blackburnrd