Unique gifts for special people
I attended my third Shaker Bentwood Box class on Sunday. Why have I done three? Well, for me, they make unique gifts for special people and I needed 3 in a short space of time. At the end of the day, you go home with three complete boxes which only require sanding and oil/polish/wax before they are ready to be presented as gifts. The timing was perfect. I also love doing this course as it is quite relaxing (and makes a welcome change from domestics or working at my part time job). You not only learn new skills, but it helps me practice the skills I have learnt previously as well as have an opportunity to learn new tips and techniques. The group is not too large and there is always a mix of interesting people from diverse backgrounds with a range of woodworking skills and abilities, all of which are catered for. What is lovely about this course is that it is perfect for the absolute beginner and a great introduction to the world of fine woodworking, appreciating traditional trade skills and learning that slowing down and being patient leads to success and contentment.
Diana Heatherich - 17 March 2015